
A collection of articles and tutorials about Craft CMS. Reviews events such as the Dot All conferences or discusses what's new in a Craft release. There are also tips on current web technologies, Twig, and plugins.

New in Craft CMS 2.3

Craft 2.3 has been released and brings with it over 230 improvements. This time the focus was on workflow efficiency and scalability. For example, the element indices and the matrix field have been revised.
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

New in Craft CMS 2.2

Craft 2.2 has been released and brings over 140 improvements and new features. There are a few visible innovations, from logout warnings to security improvements or the new position field.
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

Craft CMS Summit 2014

On June 17, the digital event Craft CMS Summit 2014 took place. Top organized by Christopher Schmitt (Environments for Humans) and with 99 US dollars in a reasonable price range.
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

New in Craft CMS 2.1

Craft 2 has been available for two months and is a complete success. With the feedback regarding the pricing structure and the new features, Pixel & Tonic is very satisfied.
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

What are Element Types?

Craft has introduced a concept of Element Types, which Pixel & Tonic now explains in more detail. Element Types is a paradigm shift compared to how other content management systems manage content.
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

Craft CMS 2 with a new pricing model

Five months ago, Craft 1.3 was released, and on April 1 - no kidding - Pixel & Tonic announced Craft 2. I'm surprised that Craft is already getting a successor after ten months.
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen