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A collection of articles and tutorials about Craft CMS. Reviews events such as the Dot All conferences or discusses what's new in a Craft release. There are also tips on current web technologies, Twig, and plugins.

2016 - Year in Review

2016 was crazy: Brexit, terrorist attacks, and Trump's election triumph. At least Peyton Manning got his second Super Bowl win. Brandon Kelly has written down how the year went for Craft CMS.

Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

New in Craft CMS 2.6

Yesterday Craft CMS 2.6 and Craft Commerce 1.1 were released. The biggest new feature in this release is the support of Eager Loading for elements. Developers are also happy about new hooks.

Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

2015 - Year in Review

An eventful Craft year is coming to an end. I was pleased that finally went online. The plans were already there in 2014, but other ideas always got in the way.

Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

New in Craft CMS 2.5

Pixel & Tonic released Craft 2.5 yesterday and gave the CMS a new control panel. Besides these noticeable new features, 280 improvements and additions have been implemented for this release.

Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

New in Craft CMS 2.4

It's been six months since the last major Craft release. Since yesterday Craft 2.4 has been available and brings over 60 improvements. Among them are supported SVG thumbnails and customizable selection buttons.

Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

Craft CMS Summit 2015

On April 22nd, the digital event Craft CMS Summit 2015 took place. Last year I already participated in the Craft CMS Summit and was thrilled. I learned a lot and even changed my craft workflow because of it.

Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen