New in Craft CMS 2.5

New control panel

The most noticeable change is that the main menu is no longer placed horizontally above the control panel but on the left as a sidebar. The widgets on the overview page/dashboard can also all be managed directly there.

Custom element indexes

It is no longer necessary to explain to customers the difference between "Channels", "Structure" or "Individual entries". The entries section has been completely redesigned so that the individual items are reorganized in the sidebar or grouped together. So, the user is no longer bound to the sorting given by the CMS.

In the admin, click on "Entries"; then, in the entries sidebar, click on the cogwheel. Here all element indexes can be given different header headings. But it can also be determined per indexes which information is displayed in the columns.

Instead of entries, singles, etc., you could now sort the content by Company and Services, for example. And the news also shows the featured image in the overview.

Craft Commerce 1.0

In addition, Craft Commerce 1.0, a completely new paid product for the eCommerce sector, was released. For a license fee of 999 US dollars, you get Craft 2.5 plus Craft Commerce 1.0 and can thus implement an online store based on Craft. Those who only need the store can purchase Commerce for 700 US dollars.

Since Commerce is based on Craft, well-known features like live preview, custom fields, Twig templating, or simple 1-click updates can be used.


Photo from  Thomas Sausen<

Self-employed web developer from Germany who started with WordPress websites in 2005, then moved to ExpressionEngine and lost his heart to Craft CMS in 2013. As the founder of Craftentries, he has been covering the Craft ecosystem since 2015.

Thomas Sausen Web Developer