
A collection of articles and tutorials about Craft CMS. Reviews events such as the Dot All conferences or discusses what's new in a Craft release. There are also tips on current web technologies, Twig, and plugins.

New in Craft CMS 4.2

Just over a month after 4.1, Craft CMS 4.2 was released. There are improvements in user experience, developer experience, stability, and a11y. In addition, redesigned notifications and condition rules for matrix and money fields. Also, Craft has been translated into Ukrainian.
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

New in Craft CMS 4.1

Craft 4 has been on the market for almost two months, but the development team is not resting and has now released a new update. Craft CMS 4.1 improves accessibility, user interface, and developer experience.
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

12 years of Mijingo

After 12 years, Mijingo, run by Ryan Irelan, went offline. A look back at a unique learning platform that just addressed niche systems like ExpressionEngine and Craft CMS - but not only.
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

New in Craft CMS 4.0

After a long wait, Craft 4 was finally released this week, as well as Commerce 4. And the CMS's new features should satisfy developers and authors alike.
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

Andris Sevcenko leaves Pixel and Tonic

After ten years, Andris Ševčenko is leaving Pixel & Tonic, and unfortunately, this also marks the end of his work on Craft CMS.
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

WordPress or Craft CMS for client projects?

As a web developer, I regularly hear WordPress and Craft CMS comparisons, whether when I'm talking to other colleagues or in a client meeting. And I would like to state at the beginning that there is not the best CMS, but only the best CMS for the respective project.
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen