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Selim Imoberdorf

Interaction Designer

Selim Imoberdorf lives in the small town of Aarau, Switzerland. He has been interested in web development since his computer science apprenticeship began. At age 15, he started "playing" with HTML, CSS, and PHP. After his internship and various jobs, he changed to an agency as a career changer. With the training as an interaction designer, he completed his knowledge in conception, interaction design, UX, and prototyping, as well as in developing websites and apps on a part-time basis and with private projects.

Why are you using Craft CMS?

Plagued by TYPO3 and WordPress, I was looking for a CMS that handles content better. After a long search, I came across through Sascha Fuchs and David Hellmann and thus the "new" and young Craft. After a few days of training, I was enthusiastic. Dynamic fields, Twig, preview for the editor, etc., make me happy and the customer.

Craft CMS gives me the freedom as an interaction designer and frontend developer to develop a website to meet customer needs and even have fun doing it! - Selim Imoberdorf

What was your first craft project?

My first Craft CMS project was the Furrer bookstore website.

Homepage Buchhandlung Furrer

What's your favorite project you've done with Craft CMS?

The website for my best friend and photographer Flavio Leone was my favorite project so far.

Do you have a favorite craft site that someone else has implemented?

I find the site for Kusser, implemented by David Hellmann from Fredmansky, very good and fast.

What are the biggest benefits of Craft?

The user experience; no CMS I have worked with so far is as flexible and user-friendly as the Craft CMS. Most of the time, a single training of the editors is enough, and they can work with it on their own. Moreover, the CMS is also a dream for the developer. Working with Twig in the frontend is fun; you get to a goal quickly.

What improvements to the content management system would you like to see?

Include matrix in matrix or NEO in the core because the DRY principle for database fields would also be admirable.

What are your favorite plugins?

  • Imager: Image transformation on steroids.
  • Neo: Matrix in matrix or DRY fields.
  • SEOmatic: SEO on steroids as well.
  • Kint: Debugging - quite simple.
  • Feed Me: Data import easypeasy.