Why are you using Craft CMS?
Craft is exceptionally lightweight, flexible, and modern, showing what a coding CMS should offer. Multilingualism, flexible field types, and the power of the template language Twig, bring almost limitless control over the essential thing of a website: the content.
What was your first craft project?
I was asked to build the annual report page for Switzerland's largest health insurance company. As an old ExpressionEngine worker, I decided to use Craft for the first time for this project. Especially in implementing multilingualism, Craft could show its power to the full. The project was realized in the first quarter of 2015 in about 50 working hours. An agency provided the design.
What's your favorite project you've done with Craft CMS?
Each of my pages is my favorite. I invest not only a lot of commitment but also a lot of heart and soul in each of my projects.
Do you have a favorite craft site that someone else has realized?
I don't have any now, as I have no insight into the code. Many look similar, as responsive web design follows a particular trend and pattern.
Craft is exceptionally lightweight, flexible, modern, and brings what a coding CMS should offer. Multilingualism, flexible field types, and the power of the template language Twig grant almost limitless control over the essential thing of a website: the content. - Omar De-Giuli
What are the biggest benefits of Craft?
What improvements to the content management system would you like to see?
The documentation is good, but some background information on performance optimizing and parsing stages is missing.
What are your favorite plugins?