Craft ID introduced

Craft CMS is an excellent system for developers and editors. In terms of user experience, there is hardly a better one in editorial systems. You can flexibly adapt it to any content and make sure that everyone can easily extend content. If functionalities are missing, they can be programmed via Twig or even as a custom plugin.

Unfortunately, the license management has been very cumbersome and not easy to organize or even flexible. If you bought a Craft CMS license, you received a file by mail containing the license key, and it was better to save it on a hard disk as a backup. If you have more than one customer, it is best to have one folder per customer and project so that the keys are not mixed up. And then, an Excel table would be helpful, which shows which key belongs to which craft version and to which customer. Alternative would be to write to the support by mail and wait for an answer.

I have never understood how one could program such a well-thought-out CMS on the one hand and then be so old-fashioned regarding license questions.

A customer account, where you can log on to the internet and view and manage all your licenses, would be excellent and up-to-date. As of today, that's over because the wishes have finally been fulfilled.

Craft ID

Craft ID is the longed-for web portal where you can document previous purchases, manage the licenses, and edit invoice details. For a long time, to receive a proper invoice, you had to inform the support about the correct billing address and VAT number every time after the purchase. All this can now be set on Craft ID.

As a developer, you can also send your plugins to the plugin store via the ID, connect your account with Stripe and get statistics on the sales of your plugin.

Thank you.

Photo from  Thomas Sausen<

Self-employed web developer from Germany who started with WordPress websites in 2005, then moved to ExpressionEngine and lost his heart to Craft CMS in 2013. As the founder of Craftentries, he has been covering the Craft ecosystem since 2015.

Thomas Sausen Web Developer