Craft CMS 3 Launch FAQ

How long will Craft 2 be supported?

  • Craft 2 will be actively supported until March 31, 2019.
  • Craft 2 will still get security-related bug fixes until March 31, 2020.

Will Craft 3 be a free update?

All Craft Client and Pro licenses purchased before April 4 will receive free lifetime updates, including major updates such as Craft 3

What about Craft 2 licenses purchased after April 4?

All Craft 2 and Craft 3 licenses purchased after April 4 will fall under the new update policy: Per year updates (feature updates and also major releases like Craft 3) will then incur the following fees: $39 for Craft Client and $59 for Craft Pro.

Will Craft Commerce also rely on this licensing model?

Yes, all Commerce licenses purchased before April 4 will be converted to lifetime licenses regarding updates. All licenses purchased later will receive the new license model.

When will Craft Commerce 2 be released?

The Commerce 2 beta will be released on April 4, 2018. The beta phase is expected to last 3-6 months.

When will Craft Commerce Lite be released?

Along with Craft Commerce 2.

How long will Craft Commerce 1 be supported?

Once Craft Commerce 2 is released, we will announce an exact date. But it will be similar to Craft CMS: 1-year active support and another year security related bugfixes.

When does the new craft license go into effect?

The new MIT-inspired Craft license for Craft CMS and commercial plugins goes into effect on April 4, 2018, and will apply to Craft 2 and 3.

Photo from  Thomas Sausen<

Self-employed web developer from Germany who started with WordPress websites in 2005, then moved to ExpressionEngine and lost his heart to Craft CMS in 2013. As the founder of Craftentries, he has been covering the Craft ecosystem since 2015.

Thomas Sausen Web Developer