2017 - Year in Review

2017 gave us Craft 3 beta phase, Commerce updates, the first official conference, Commerce Lite announcement, and updated pricing. I've summarized how Brandon Kelly from Pixel & Tonic looks back on the year.
2017 - Year in Review
Pixel & Tonic changed offices again in 2017 and increased the team by three people.
The figures at a glance:
- 5,000 Craft CMS licenses and 300 Craft Commerce licenses were purchased in 2017. In 2016, there were 3,900 Craft CMS licenses and 210 Craft Commerce licenses.
- Pixel & Tonic donated over $50,000 worth of licenses to non-profit organizations.
- Craft Slack now has 5,600 members.
- 12,000 public domains used Craft, bringing the total to 35,000.
- 230 public domains used Craft Commerce, bringing the total to 500.
- ProPublica, Moz.com, and Duck Brand rely on Craft CMS.
- The first Dot All conference was held in Portland with over 160 attendees.
- The first Craft 3 beta update was released in January and the release candidate in December.
- The Craft Plugin Store was first integrated into Craft 3 RC1 with 125 plugins by the end of the year.
None of this would have been possible without the support of our community, for which we’re truly grateful! Thanks for making 2017 such an amazing year!Brandon Kelly
Outlook 2018
- Sam Hernandez started working as Pixel & Tonic's Director of Technical Services, bringing the team size to 10.
- Pixel & Tonic is working with Parliament on new branding for Craft.
- Craft 3 and Commerce 2 will be released on 04 April 2018.
- Dot All 2018 will take place in Europe in the fall.