Dot All 2019 Videos

State of Craft 2019 - Brandon Kelly

Headless Commerce with Craft CMS and Gatsby - Brian Hanson

Progressively enhance your Craft site with Vue - Francesca Buratti

Impostor Syndrome and the Creative Industry - Jay Collett

David and Goliath: How a bespoke CMS can compete (and beat) industry leaders - John Lamb

Content Strategy – How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Complex Site Structures - Nick Spriggs & Allyssa Price

Oops–I guess we’re full-stack developers now - Chris Coyier

Fortifying Craft for High Traffic - Prateek Rungta

Comparing JAMstack to LAMP - Andrew Welch

Testing with Craft - Giel Tettelaar

Connecting All Dots - Henri Helvetica

Crafting for the Author: 7 Principles for Improving Author Experience - Kyle Cotter

Craft in Docker: Everything I’ve Learnt - Matt Gray

A Flexible, Future-Proof Way to Structure Craft Commerce Products - Stephen Callender

The Great Beyond - Managing a Migration to Craft - Andrew Armitage

Using AWS Lambda and Feed Me to Create an Automated Content Pipeline - Juan Ramirez

The Stoic Developer - Sam Hernandez

Feet on the ground, head(less) in the cloud with Craft CMS - Mike Pierce & Dimitri Steinel

The Future of Web Development Panel - Ryan Irelan, Andrew Welch, Chris Coyier, Matsuko Friedland, & Marion Newlevant

JAMstack for Agencies and Teams Lunch and Learn – Full Video with Q&A

Foto von  Thomas Sausen<

Selbstständiger Webentwickler, der 2005 mit WordPress-Websites anfing, dann zu ExpressionEngine wechselte und 2013 sein Herz an Craft CMS verlor. Als Gründer von Craftentries, berichtet er seit 2015 über das Craft-Ökosystem.

Thomas Sausen Web Developer